Zildjian A 19″ Zildjian Ultra Hammered China

Zildjian A 19″ Zildjian Ultra Hammered China


Zildjian A 19″ Zildjian Ultra Hammered China


Zildjian A 19″ Zildjian Ultra Hammered China


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With a curvature designed to explode with penetrating sound, this China model features an inverted “volcano” bell and extensive hammering techniques, producing a sound that simply erupts. Crash it for deep, trashy accents, or crescendo to unleash a roaring effect. The 19″ delivers a brighter sound with shorter decay. For an even heavier explosion of sound, move up to the 21″ size.

  • China designed to deliver ultra-devastating, explosive china sound
  • Features inverted, “volcano” bell
  • Produces very trashy sound
  • Responds sensitively when played at all dynamic levels
  • Extensive hammering

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