Kumalae Soprano Ukulele 1900’s Koa
Used vintage Hawaiian made Koa ukulele. It is one of the big Hawaiian made uke brands. It is a soprano uke scale yet the body is slightly smaller like most vintage instruments. This has that historic vintage Hawaiian and sounds like it should old and mellow. If you are use to playing new modern day ukes that have most likely been built in a guitar factory this one will absolutely sound different. It is much warmer and mellower.
It has it’s fair share of dings, dents and repairs as in you can see in photos. It plays and sounds great.
Tuning gears must be replacements then someone over the years put washers on them to tighten firmly to keep it in tune. It tunes up and holds a tune no problem there and you could always upgrade the tuners.
If you like what you see make us an offer. Thanks Victor Litz Music A.L.