Bugera PS1 Power Soak 100-Watt Attenuator 2010s – Black

Bugera PS1 Power Soak 100-Watt Attenuator 2010s – Black



bugera power soak black

The Bugera PS1 Power Soak 100-Watt Attenuator is an essential tool for guitarists who want to crank up their amp for rich, full tube tone without blowing out their ears—or their neighbors’ patience. This powerful attenuator allows you to run your tube amplifier at its maximum power and get that saturated, warm tube sound, while reducing the volume to more manageable levels. Whether you’re practicing at home, playing smaller venues, or recording in the studio, the PS1 lets you achieve your perfect sound at any volume.

The PS1 can handle up to 100 watts of power, making it suitable for most tube amplifiers. It’s equipped with a dial control that lets you adjust the volume level to your preference, so you can maintain your amp’s tone without compromising on performance. It features a switchable 4, 8, and 16-ohm impedance selector, allowing you to use it with virtually any amplifier and speaker cabinet setup. This versatility is ideal for players with multiple amp rigs or those who frequently switch between different setups.

A key feature of the PS1 is its built-in speaker-emulated line output. This feature enables you to connect directly to a recording interface, PA system, or mixing console, bypassing the need for miking a cabinet. This is a great option for silent recording or playing live without the hassle of setting up microphones. The line output delivers a balanced signal, retaining the natural sound of your amp and cabinet.

Cosmetically, the Bugera PS1 Power Soak is in good used condition, with only minor signs of wear. It’s designed with a sturdy, compact metal chassis that ensures durability and portability for gigging musicians.

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